As an innovation platform tied to the Ecocity World Summit taking place in San Francisco April 22-26, the Digital Be-In brought together a rich and lively mix of evolutionary ideas and initiatives on the future of ecocities at the nexus of the humanistic technology and the sustainability movement. Visionary speakers, presentations, exhibits, performances, live music, top DJs, visuals, and art installations came together at San Francisco’s infamous Temple. For the Digital Be-In, Eikosphere produced a digital story on the history of California’s water supply and future resource, especially highlighting the perhaps unforeseen indirect impact of continued growth in Las Vegas. Click for more about the Eikosphere Pilot.
Since 2007, Catherine has led Eikosphere.LLC – delivering development strategies, communications, interactive media, photography galleries, and short films on social, environmental issues for world leaders in business and government committed to the integrated bottom line. She launched in 2015 a new lifestyle brand called Natural Intelligence to promote the human+nature connection and healthy living. She is now producing a series of short films with Natural Intelligence Media, entitled Earth Legends for global clients starting in 2016-2017. Catherine has travelled, wrote, photographed in 67 countries; interviewed 100’s of thought leaders on Global Change for Eikosphere’s creative, strategic, media projects and Nature’s Reflection Photography (since 2004).